
Parmigiano Reggiano HardRun 2016

Another week, another fun sport experience!

Last week I was invited to Parmigiano Reggiano HardRun…(don’t call it MudRun please! 😉 )

The race has male and female teams, and I spotted several people wearing the Vibram FiveFingers 😀

Check out some short video footage on my IG accout if you haven’t yet!


My friend and colleague Melissa Zino and I wanted to test our new models of Vibram FiveFingers (I have a KMD SPORT LS) onto all the race surfaces (mud, rocks, grass…)


The grip was excellent on all surfaces. What surprized me was the great impermeability in mud! I sank my foot into mud for a bit and when I took my shoes off I imagened the foot to be dirty and still wet. To my surprise no dirt at all had passed through the upper material, and the foot inside the shoe was dry too!

On rocks you obviously gotta watch your ankles, as you would wearing any shoe, and on grass avoid thorns.

I must say these minimalist shoes keep surprizing me!